Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Renting a Homestead

It is my dream to own and operate a small farm. #lifegoals #kioracottage
Pie cooling in the open window:

I want to wander my raised bed gardens as my chickens peck at worms in the ground, while my dog follows me around and my cat digs in the earth. Bees buzzing around pollinating my butterfly garden. Glancing over at my little vine covered cottage, nestled in nature. The smell of warm bread rising from my oven tempting me in to my cozy little nook in the world.

Right now though, my day to day looks a little more like this: early rising, a quick dress for work as I head in to teach twenty 10 year olds. My two cats, wandering the mobile home I rent in a quickly growing suburb of a college town. The noise of cars whizzing past my house and neighbors that decided to make my tiny yard a walkway to the nearest Dollar General that went in across the way.

Don't get me wrong. I am very thankful that I have a home and am able to pay rent regularly to house my beautiful kitties and all of my things. But I long for the days in the country, clothes hanging dry on the line.

Luckily, I am moving! Renting, again, but, this time I am renting a stand alone single family house! It will be my first house rental and I am very excited to have the opportunity to delve a little deeper into homesteading.
